
2 x Easy steps to become a free member!

1. Complete the Registration form on the right*.
2. Ensure to agree to and abide by the Membership Rules below.

*Please note: Due to the content of the membership area, your account will be added manually. A user account and password will be forwarded to you after the Vyedam Naturist Resort Team has approved your registration. For any queries please contact Johan at
083 261 5271

Membership rules:

I consider the wholesomeness of the human body, both male and female, in harmony with nature, as well as the ptactice of sports and games, without clothes to be natural, healthy and sane.

For this reason I would like to join Vyedam Naturist Resort of like minded people so as to join in these activities, and at the same time to support the movement for better health for mankind, linked to self-respect, tolerance of different views together with respect for the environment.

The Membership content on this WEB Site is copyrighted and belongs to the Vyedam Naturist Resort and available to registered members only!

No content may be re-distributed to any other parties in any format unless approved by the Vyedam Naturist Resort Management Team.

I further agree that sexuallity is a matter of private practice and has NO place in public.

I declare that the filled in statements are absolutely true and shall be observed.



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